This is the time of year, you can't drive
down the highway without seeing
large open top transport trucks carrying
huge vats of tomatoes, grapes and the like.
It's harvest time, and much of that
is meant for commercial use-fine by me.
What I am intrigued with, is the smaller ,
local products we all see at our farmer's markets,
local stores and shared from friends kitchens.
Isn't it cool to listen and talk with someone
who has a passion for making products,
artisanal, small batch,
high quality products to sell and share?
Don't you love the (sometimes funky) quaint
packaging and labels?
I sure do.
Am I going to indulge in everything (or anything)
because it sounds exotic or ingredients rare? No.
But I do enjoy looking, smelling, tasting
items which have been developed
from hand me down or secret recipes
or those from experimentation of the senses.
After reading the latest edition of
I decided I had to share
the passion for artisanal products.
The takeaway though is,we do not need
or Italy for honey, etc etc-
but, we can be inspired
and remind ourselves this passion can be found
without looking much further than our
own locales (and backyards of course).