Nothing says 'weekend' like a nice plate of pancakes right?
This recipe for edna mae's sour cream pancakes
from smitten kitchen is, by all accounts
pancake perfection.
The list of ingrediants is short and the directions are simple.
Results like this, are always worth the effort
but if you're not up for cooking in,
how about eating out? Suggestion alert:

Follow the line of people waiting around the corner to the bold blue awning. Should you find the luck gods on your side, walk right in, and you'll be welcomed with the trashiest of diner decor (it is in the TL, after all!). You'll get water in gigantic, unmatched tumblers on top of tacky tablecloths, and the waiters (and waitresses) are as greasy as the food. Should this all sound like a negative thing, think again. The rotating specials menus holds the key to some of the best breakfast options in the City (pulled pork scramble, blueberry cornmeal pancakes, or a lamb sausage scram...I could go on for days). If you haven't been yet, take your taste palates straight down to Dottie's before the day is through.
Dotties photos from yelp