Monday, August 23, 2010


It's that time of year again where school is back in session
but that should never mean that fun and creativity 
comes to a halt.
Thanks to Opening Ceremony, I just found out 
about a really awesome educational arts program
Open to teenagers, "the schools curriculum is based on the 
DIY ethos of graffiti, Hip Hop
and skateboarding and is meant to encourage creative,
free form ways of thinking"

MAKE SOMETHING!!  was founded in 2008 by
Aaron Rose as a series of youth creative workshops
held in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
 Miami and Tokyo.  Working with public school art programs
and youth mentoring organizations, their goal is to partner
world- renowned creative personalities with
young aspiring artists, with the intention
of giving hands on practical skills.
Aaron Rose in front of a chalkboard 
from one of his workshops.

Their hope is to turn this into a 'year round'
after school program.
"The idea is is to give kids a craft and therefore pride.
It's about knowing your abilities, because
confidence is what allows us to connect with people".

You know, what with the cutbacks in schools across
the nation coupled with the challenges 
of youth in general, isn't it awesome that there are
people and programs like this to 
help guide and forge new paths along the way?
