Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life on the edge... at the Ocean

"Spending a day at the ocean,
is like watching time with
endless possibilities"
I grew up in Southern California-
beach was what we did- even (or especially)
for those of us who did not 'live it'-
 except in our heart and soul.
Beach Boys, check.
Tatami flip flops, check, check.
When summer came around,  the plan was 
always to see how often you could get to-
how much time you could spend at the beach-
well-how tan could you get? 
When you're young, it's about
the vernacular and that meant
surf, sand, sun kissed noses and 
wanting to be a local (at the least).
Speed through a few (+) decades
 now, I call it the Ocean or the Coast.
Granted, the locale is different but
 the water IS the same. I know, it's me.
I still want to feel like a local-
whether it's MexicoCapri or Bodega
I still have this gravitational pull
to 'own it'. But that's ok.
There IS something real there-
life stripped down and I need, love it.
I think it is the ebb and flow,
the same but different... of every wave.
I think for the most part, we all feel it-
when we're there-the freeness,
the infinite. 
The tide is high.