Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Preppy Redux

From 'True Prep'
via Vanity Affair
The other afternoon, I found myself with free time,
lounging in the shade with a  warm breeze
 at my back.... 
ok maybe it wasn't vacation- 
more like sitting in the car (for 2hours) 
while waiting at the DMV-
but I digress.
So, there I was reading 
Vanity Fair (September-Lady GaGa) -with lot's of great articles
and found one that really tickled my fancy:
"The Official Preppy Reboot" an excerpt from
 the new book, 
an updated version of the prepster bible:
"The Official Preppey Handbook"
( from30 years ago-remember?)

  by Lisa BirnBach with Chip Kidd.
Just like the original, it is quite 
(for those of us NOT preppy) cheeky...
Especially, redux.
A few items caught my eye and 
my favorite I share here...

New Year's resolutions:
"Work on topspin"
"No drinking at lunch."
"Luggage Tags!"
"Have gravy boat re-engraved."
"Nose rings are never preppy,"
"Neither are tongue studs-"
and that goes for ankle bracelets."
"Bags and shoes need not match."
"High Heel rule: you must be able to run in
them-on cobble stones, on a dock, in 
case of  spontaneous foot race."
"Men: if you make the mistake of buying 
Tevas or leather sandals, please give them
 to Goodwill."
"Preppies don't perm their hair". 
" Sweatsuits are for sweating."
And of course...
 "The best fashion statement is no fashion statement."
There is a 'mixed tape' music suggestion:
included are some personal faves... 
"Rich Girl" ... Hall and Oates
"Brown Sugar"... Rolling Stones
"Love to Love You Baby" Donna Summer
"Black Coffee in Bed"... Squeeze
There are lot's of tips and  advice 
to be doled out, even in regards to
 Career Choices:
(or those to avoid)...
"Doctor-presumes caring about strangers."
"Computer Scientist-No."
"C.P.A.-Really no."
"Governor- possibility of sex scandal too great."
"Meteorologist- too science-y."
"Fact-checker. Facts, schmacts."
From the best places to have a summer home, to
the best way to be Preppy AND frugal... it's
kind of all here... if you want it.
Now, I can't say that I will buy the book
(even though on one hand, much is common sense) 
but I do highly recommend
taking a peek through the VF excerpt!