Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life Among Books

I love books.
I do enjoy reading, but I enjoy them
for more than this intrinsic value.
Perfect for substituting for a piece of furniture-
I love the look of a stack of books,
sheer functionality proves them to make great 
tables and stands.
                           I love the colors, textures, the graphics on the spine.
Books, whether classic novels, art or reference- no matter,
they all bring memories, ("what a good read")
a sense of history, essays and photos of 
people and days  gone by.
Ours is not a collection, but more of a composite,
assortments, mixed media.
They bring reverence and inspiration.
Whether a library room full, an artful bookcase,
or organized assortments, I could look at endless compilations.

Here at our house, we have quite a few...
favorite reads, finds from yard sales and antique shops, 
gifts- given and received-
and, they all have a home here. 