Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On Being Green

Hmm... yes here in San Francisco and probably many urban areas
car drivers and bicycles are at odds with each other-
such as on the last Friday of the month when 
Critical Mass takes place during the evening commute. UGH.
But they really are pragmatic when it comes to making quick deliveries
and green commutes. They provider riders with beautiful vistas
when in the country and the bottom line well, good exercise.
I recently came across a fun blog which is devoted to bikes and cities,
for a fun ride and great photos check out bikes and the city.
With that in mind check out Rickshaw Bags...
Made-to-order in a Dogpatch warehouse, Rickshaws are the brainchild of two former Timbuk2 execs, who mastered comfort and quality peddling to the masses before going small-scale to reconnect with their customers and play lots of Office Nerf Basketball. Their real-deal messengers range from the nylon, pouch-sized "Small Zero" (w/ iPod/notebook pockets) to the behemoth "Technical" with compression/extension straps for big, awkward loads; practical laptop bags come in three thicknesses and boast features like quick-adjust straps and optional magnet bindings to avoid derailing meetings with roaring Velcro -- though you're still free to disrupt them by insisting that everyone "check out these crazy magnets!!". You can order said bags online in tons of colors, pick one up at Rickshaw's "storefront", or better yet (and for the same price) hit the warehouse to select your bag's top flap fabric and watch them sew it up -- they've got everything from raw denim to Burberry, huge among the equestrian messenger set. 