Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Lunch Date: Boccalone

Warning: vegetarians need not apply.
Boccalone with only four stools, it may be more like a 'grab n go'
lunch but hey, it's The Ferry Building, take it outside
and enjoy the view!
If you are not aware. Boccalone is all about the pig.
or "tasty salted pig parts" as Chris Cosentino
is want to say. 
The menu is  simple . Paninis- hot or cold such as:
Italian Sausage with Rabe Pesto & Grilled Onions $7.00

Salame with Tomato Spread & Arugula $7.50

Salumi Cones and Platters such as:
Orange and Fennel Salame, a prosciutto and a Bologna. 
(choose 3-5  buttery, delicious selections from daily roster)
$3.50 - $19.00

Not your average meatball sandwich shop, right?

'artisan meats combine sustainably raised,

 heritage-breed pork, Italian sea salt, and the freshest spices 

with the rarest ingredient of all: time.' 

Enjoy & Cheers!