Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Thirsty World

From agriculture, industry, and religion to conservation, commerce, and mythology, no aspect of human life is unaffected by the presence — or increasingly, the absence — of fresh water. Water: Our Thirsty World, a special issue of NatGeo and related exhibition at LA’s Annenberg Space for Photography, tackles this fluid topic in light of dire resource-war scenarios and nature’s evaporating majesty.
How we all can Help...
April 2010
Taking Action
Access to clean, fresh water is a pressing problem around the world. These are a few of the many groups that are trying to help.
Water for People programs improve drinking water in developing countries.
Water Advocates promotes water availability, sanitation, and hygiene.
Population Services International is involved in efforts against waterborne diseases.
Global Water Challenge is a coalition working for access to clean water.
WaterAid runs community-led water and sanitation programs in 26 developing countries.